This area is great, because every once in a while, a member likes us enough and for a long enough period of time that they want to take us to dinner. We went with a member to Miyabi Japanese Grill. It's one of those fancy hibachi grill places where they cook the food right in front of you and they mess with you and they throw stuff in their chef hats. And they make the volcano with the onion. Oh man it's sweet. They put alcohol in it and light it, and then they through seasoning in it and it looks like hot ashes. Then they put some kind of sauce in it and it heats up and overflows man it's the coolest thing ever. And the food is so good. Very expensive, I will probably never go there without my tag on. The opportunities you can only experience as a missionary π€
We've got some solid stuff lined up right now, we should be having some awesome stuff happening in the next couple weeks. The Lord prepares people! I just don't have anything specific to say about it
right now
From what I understand, this area will die after Labor Day weekend. Exciting! Sad! I have no idea what the 1000 beach stores are going to do, and everywhere else is going to lose a lot of business. I'm not sure but I guess we'll see.
I'm never sure what else to talk about in my weekly emails, I always think of things but the Spirit must be confounding me and keeping me from saying them, so they must not be important
Ok have a good week and if you want to talk to me, feel free to email me just about any time today, and if you don't want to talk to me, try working on Christlike Love for a while
Included in this email is a picture of a sweet serving paper we got at Chipotle