Hola y'all!

Sent from the Lord's iPad
week was very average! Which is a good thing! Actually no. Never mind
that's like the worst possible thing ever. Because if it's a good week
then awesome, it's a good week. And if it's a bad week, awesome, we get
to grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually, we're better! But
average is awful. We don't have a good time and we don't grow. We just
sit still. But I still have stuff to email about!
want to tell everyone a couple southern phrases. I think in one of my
last emails I said the "I'm finer than a hair split 4 ways with a broad
axe" and "I'm finer than chickens' teeth". Well today I'd like to share
something I heard from an 80 year-old man with hair just like Donald
Trump, and who claims the Civil War is still happening and refers to the
Confederate flag as "ours". We were driving back from a lesson with a
potential investigator, and it was raining but the sun was shining. He
said "Look at that, the sun is shining while it's raining. When I was a
kid we said that meant the Devil was beating his wife." Haha! He grew up
baptist in case you're wondering.
southern-ism I noticed at least a couple farmers say is about electric
drills. They don't say "drill". They say "screw gun". That looks normal
now that I've written it down but it sounded hilarious when I heard it.
Progress on Al: our one investigator. He loved church last week, and he said he would come back, but this Sunday he did not show. We called him and he said he went to another church that was closer. NOOOOOO. We're gonna visit with him tomorrow and
throw down about the importance of going to our church because that
helps you to know it's true. You can't know of the truthfulness of the
gospel in a church that doesn't preach it! Oh well. We've got some work
to do. This is negative, but he's definitely not going to be baptized on April 30. But that's ok. He's not a failure and neither are we, at least we hope.
Robison got his replacement Tiwi card in the mail, so no more driving
for me and I'm back to full-time trainee/junior companion. Not for long
though, I only have one more week of training so I'll be running
Simpsonville before he knows it! That also means that next transfer I'm
supposed to be capable to and I might even be assigned to train a new
missionary. Oh jeez. God is watching me write this email and even worse,
he knows how I feel deep in my heart. And he just might inspire
President Turner to have me train some poor kid who is coming into the
mission expecting a competent trainer to look up to but he's going to be
stuck with me. I still don't know what "referral" means. I guess we'll
see what happens on May 4. Actually I'll probably know by May 1 or 2.
On Saturday
we helped the Young Women here in S-ville 2 with a fundraiser for girls
camp. They did a car wash. Or I guess I should say we did a car wash.
We came half an hour before it started and helped set up, washed and
vacuumed cars non-stop for 5 hours, then stayed an hour to help clean
up. The young women, bless their hearts, got tired after about an hour
of work. And most of them showed up a couple hours late. Oh well. I'm
going to go install a lightning rod on our apartment roof so I can
probably catch all the blessings God's gonna send us for picking up the
They did raise $870 though! Good for them!
and big news: Simpsonville 2nd ward is getting a new bishop! So sad!!!!
Bishop Powell, that big stud, is moving to Aiken for work or something
else equally stupid. Gonna be sad to see the only family that feeds us
leave. But we are going to have to get a replacement and I've done
nothing these last two days but speculate. We'll see what happens I
yall that's it from me, if you're worried about which macaroni and
cheese brand I should be buying, don't worry because I have made the
greatest compromise possible (Cracker Barrel is still the best though)
Sent from the Lord's iPad
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