week has gone by pretty fast. I started measuring time in terms of
calories instead of hours or days. When I got sick a while back, I lost
my appetite for a couple days and by the time I wasn't sick anymore, I
had lost a few pounds. Which I can't really afford to do. So I've been
pushing the calories hard, a couple days ago I actually broke 4000
calories. Everything was going peachy, I was approaching my weight from
before I was sick (which is still lower than I'd like) and then last
night for some reason I felt nauseous and threw up. It came out of
nowhere at like 9:30 last night, and within a few
minutes I was hurling yellow-orange stomach acid into the toilet. There
wasn't even any food in there, so it wasn't like my body threw up
because I was overeating. But really I'm just upset that my streak has
been broken. I haven't thrown up in probably almost 10 years and now the
counter has reset. It makes me think of Ted Mosby from How I Met Your
Mother. He was "Vomit-free since '93" and then he threw up in one
episode and then he was "Vomit-free since '06" or something less catchy
like that. This morning I weighed less than I have in the last couple
days, so I guess it's back to square uno 

an update that's even more sad: our golden investigator, Al, who had
that crazy story about wanting to kill himself and then a member of our
ward just stopped by and pretty much saved his life. Well, he's
struggled with alcoholism his whole life, and even though he's come to
church the last couple weeks, his life hasn't gotten easier. Maybe even
harder. God never really takes our trials away, we just get different,
tougher ones because we've become stronger. But it's hard to tell
someone that when they're going through such a hard time. So through a
series of events that I won't really go into specifics on out of respect
and privacy to him, he decided to stop pursuing everything right now.
He texted us and pretty much dropped us which was a complete shock to
us. We talked to him on the phone and he told us how hard things were
right now, and how he felt he was a burden to everyone. We tried to show
him otherwise, but he seems to have made up his mind for now. He said
he still likes us and appreciates all we've helped him with, but he
basically wants some space right now. We said that was fine and that we
would call him in a few weeks to check up on him. He said that would be
fine so I guess we'll see where that goes. Keep him in your prayers!
this email wasn't very uplifting, I want to think of a good story. Hmm.
Well we helped these members in our ward, the Wakefields, who are the
coolest people in the world. They're in their 60s but they're cooler
than most "hip" kids today. They're building a house inside of this barn
of sorts which is the coolest thing ever, it sounds weird but it is so
cool inside. I want to take some pictures when it's done. But anyway we
just went there and helped put some insulation in. That was pretty fun.
It's not as exciting as I thought it was going to be back when I started
typing about it. Oh well I had a really good time and I'm excited to
keep helping them 

heating up here in SC but the Lord loves us so he's given a bit of a
cool spell these last couple days and in the next few days to come. Low
70s until the end of the week. Then we're on our way to 90s 100s, and
80-90% humidity. Hooray for being in a car area, and let's hope I don't
get transferred until at least August, the upstate is the best place in
the summer.
ok yall stay fresh and tell someone you love them this week (even if you don't. because you should. you should love everyone 

) Don't drink and drive!
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