A lot of things are going on, but first I'll give a hurricane update. Hermine hit us this last weekend. We had a Zone Meeting in Florence on Friday, and we were told to pack extra clothes because President wanted us to spend the night there with the Zone Leaders so we could be safe. Well first of all, dumb. Second of all, stupid.
So we go to their apartment, it was raining from when we left the beach at like 8am and still going hard. Us (Surfside), the Myrtle Beach South elders, and one of the Elders from Cheraw. The elder from Cheraw was there because the Zone Lords had already planned having exchanges with Cheraw. So there were 6 of us and only one person actually knew the area. What's better than that is we split up into two 3-packs, meaning 3 of us didn't know the area at all. Elder Holt, the remaining ZL, told us to go knocking down two streets in the rain. We're not gonna be disobedient, is it crazy to assume our leaders are righteous enough to be inspired of God? So we went in the pouring rain and we knocked those two streets. Few people answered and the ones that did all asked us "what the devil are you doing don't you know there's a tornado warning out?" We did find one potential investigator, so as long as he becomes a stake president someday it will all be worth it. I hate knocking with a fiery passion, so I figured I would hate it even more in the rain. But it was by far the most fun I've had knocking ever! But then the rain got real bad so we headed back and stayed for the rest of the night. The worst part is the hurricane ended up hitting Florence harder, so wow ok
It was fun though, the hurricane didn't do any damage, structurally or emotionally! 🌊🌊🤗
Transfers are coming up, and the Saturday before, phone calls go out to everyone who gets told they're whitewashing, getting whitewashed, called/released as district leader/zone leader/assistant to the president. And also training. Well I think I said in an earlier email that my biggest hope would be that Elder Staker and I would 3-pack train. Well that dream is.............not coming true. But we did both get phone calls! From president himself so you know it's important 😬😬😬
First things first, Elder Olmstead and Elder Lamping, the Myrtle Beach elders are both leaving. Elder Olmstead (our DL) is going home on Wednesday and Elder Lamping has been here too long. They're
whitewashing their area. So we needed a new District Leader! Elder Staker has been here 7 months but I guess that's not long enough because he's done been made the new DL. AND he's gonna train! But wait, if he's staying, and he's training, and not 3-pack training, what's gonna happen to you, Elder Berry?
Well let me tell you. I'm training too. Yeah. Even worse, since I'm not training in Surfside, I'm whitewashing into my area. I would be terrified but president told me something: I'm not going very far. Remember how I said Myrtle Beach elders are getting whitewashed? THEYRE GETTING WHITEWASHED BY ME BOOYAH
It's a weird situation and I'm sad I'm leaving Surfside as minimally as possible, but on the bright side I don't have to pack up my stuff and take it to Columbia. I just have to move everything to the
apartment upstairs!
So yes, Elder Staker and I only spent 3 sweet months together in Surfside, but we're going to help each other as we raise our children together. Only 48 hours until we pick our boys up
Also shout out to my papa Robison who's dying this transfer, thanks for everything and I hope to make you proud as I carry on our posterity!
Alright see y'all later and I think I have a picture of us with a bunch of $3,000 toy poodles a member is breeding.
See everyone next week and pray for us please
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