I have been transferred to Spartanburg 1st bike area. I am whitewashing with my companion, I would have said that in my email last week but here's the thing: they didn't tell me. Usually they give those kinds of calls on Saturday before transfers and I did not get one. It's funny because the assistants even came to the beach and brought us new beds (which we really really needed, I was sleeping on the floor because it felt better) and they didn't tell me any news.
That's ok. My companion is Elder Kempton and I already know him. He came out with me. We will hit our year mark on the 20th! We're doing ok so far. There's been a couple things that came up that have slowed our work.
We had a mission conference in west Columbia. That wasn't bad, that was great! Elder McArthur, our area authority, Elder Clayton of the seventy, and Elder Stevenson of the quorum of the twelve came and spoke to us! We took a picture as a mission which we don't get to do very often. Elder Stevenson is really funny too, I love seeing apostles in person
The other big thing that's happened is: SNOW ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
This isn't funny, the temperature going below freezing was bad enough. But why would it happen that the weekend I get sent back to the upstate (I was here last winter), it snows for the first time in a billion years? And it stuck too! It started probably Saturday morning and it's still here. We are on bike so that's awesome, the roads are icy and impossible and dangerous to bike on at night.
But I honestly am not that mad. I mean it's the coldest it's ever been on my mission and I'm whitewashing (haha literally the ground is covered in snow) but it's not that bad! I miss the beach but I can complain or work in the area where I'm supposed to be right now.
It's funny because our ward is right above my first ward, Simpsonville 2nd. And on the way back from transfers I recognized some stuff. I recognized an exit onto I-385 that I have taken a ton of times, but this time we went onto I-26 and headed towards the Burg. Just weird how that happened, I have a picture so you can understand what I'm saying.
I hope everyone is doing good, oh also church was canceled yesterday so we haven't met the members of the ward yet. Snow is dumb
I hope everyone is doing good though 👍🏿 👍🏿
Also here is one of 9 billion pictures Sister Fox took of us back in the MB district
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