Hola y'all!
This week was loaded with exchanges. We had one with the Zone Leaders on Tuesday,
which meant I was captain of the Jetta for the day. Speaking of which,
that thing is a chick magnet. Literally, we have to clean bird poop off
of it nearly every day 

almost hit a deer that day so it's just an all-around great car if you
like nature. We've hit I think 2 or 3 snakes with it while driving in
the country. We've started calling the car Mama Nature, turn on the
engine and it gathers animals just like Snow White
been going on exchanges with the bike elders like twice a week because
elder Creamer is such an asset with his Spanish. We've actually given a
couple of our near-er Spanish investigators to them so we don't have to
exchange so often and disrupt their work. I might have to re-install
Duolingo and crack open one of our thousands of unused Libros de Mormon
and pull my weight around here. We have tons of active Spanish speakers
in the ward too. The Spanish sunday
school class is one of the biggest, by a lot. I guess there used to be a
Spanish branch, and it was dissolved into our ward. So now we have more
Spanish speaking members and less actives and investigators than the
Spanish elders in Greenville do.
do all these people come from? We have a bunch of ward missionaries and
almost all of them are Spanish speaking, which is probably the most
needed trait for missionary work in this area. I think we have 7 ward
missionaries (including our Ward Mission Leader and our Assistant Ward
Mission leader) who speak spanish.
of callings in our ward, we got a new bishopric! As I said in an email
like 2 months ago, our dear sweet bishop is moving away for work so
we've been floundering for some time waiting for the big change. When we
came into the church building yesterday morning and were greeted by the
entire Stake presidency, we knew what was about to go down. No
surprise, Brother Jones the first counselor was called as bishop, and
Brother Walkenhorst was promoted from second counselor to first, and
then Brother Wakefield my favorite member got called as the second
counselor! Heck yeah. He had to shave his sweet handlebar mustache which
was pretty disappointing but the church is probably still true. We're
excited to see how we can help this new bishopric the best. Not much has
changed but it's pretty different at the same time.
Oh deer (
we did a lot of service this week. We helped I think 3 different
families either move out of their house, move them into their new house,
or move all their stuff into storage. And we did more too! Service is
fun sometimes which is why we do so much. Or that's why I do so much.
You have to make it fun but sometimes it's already fun, like picking up
sticks on the ground in the middle of the forest on a member's great and
spacious property 

Did yall see the new children's Bible videos????? If not either go on lds.org or
download them on Gospel Library, they are well worth your time. They
don't just meet missionaries' low standard for entertainment, they are
legitimately awesome. The blonde kid with the big glasses and the
missing front tooth is my absolute favorite and if you watch the videos
he's in like all of them and he will steal your heart
are coming up and I've never felt so vulnerable! I've got another week
and a half guaranteed here in S-ville, then who knows, I could train, go
Zone Leader, go AP, really anything is possible, we've got interviews
this week so I will do my best to convince Pres to promote me. I guess
when I email next week I will know. I just hope I don't go to a bike
area. Oh great, God heard me write that, now who knows what will happen.
Me and my mouth
everyone I'm pretty sure that's all I have to say right now, I'm going
to attach a picture of my favorite graffiti ever, we drive by it in our
area all the time. Sometimes a truck will park in front of it and sell
Confederate flags. I might buy one someday, they are pretty rare after
all. Also haha I took a picture of the lady that lives in the apartment
across from us who has a hanging basket but nothing to hang it on so she
just put it on a table hahahahahaha
this week is write down a miracle you see every single day for a week
and then try and complain about your life. You won't be able to do it