Today's been fun! A member took us to this place called the Brookgreen Gardens and it was SWEET. Sweeter than sweet tea with extra sugar in a Shirley Temple movie. There's all these cool plants and flowers and trees but there's also like super old statues. It's really cool and they have kind of a zoo and right now there's this event going on where they have all these huge Lego sculptures of animals. It was awesome! I'll try to send some pictures of me and Elder Staker, and the S. Myrtle Beach elders. I don't know how many I can send in one email.
The rest of the week was good too! I'm getting used to biking, which we do every other day, but we're smart and we always make appointments and we bring a member with us. Lessons with members present are the 🔑 to success anyway, but it helps being air conditioned as we travel too.
Elder Staker said it best this week, Myrtle Beach is just like Sodom and Gomorrah! There is for real very sketchy things going on out here. To my knowledge there are at least 4 crackhouses in our area. There's this highway we bike down sometimes (actually every time) and I guess there was a murder there a couple weeks ago! But don't worry mom, we're always protected by the Lord, and if I do get knifed going down 707, I bet I'll go straight to the Celestial Kingdom.
I guess the last 5 or 6 elders that served here were here at least 9+ months, Elder Staker is on his way towards that milestone as well. Which means I may be here until Christmas! How fun! So we'll see what happens but this curse on Surfside beach seems to be very real and it's not the kind of thing you can cast out like a Poltergeist or the Gremlins
Ok we'll have fun this week yall and have fun oh shoot I just said that twice
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