What a week! I can't remember what happened but I know it was good. We had interviews with President T on Friday and I must have said something wrong because I found out this morning I'm getting transferred. haha jk but really pres why?
Yeah so next week I will be somewhere else in this sweet sweet mission! my guess is charleston on bike in the dead of summer because trials never stop. but next week I will let yall know for shore 🌊🌊
We got this new investigator who is so cool! He was a Bible referral but apparently he meant to order a Book of Mormon. that's never happened, usually we're begging bible referrals to open their minds to the idea that the Bible has been chopped up and possibly mistranslated but that's like telling someone you don't like the confederate flag. they will close the door/threaten you
But his name is Ethan and he is no doubt being prepared to meet with missionaries at this point in time. He recently quit smoking, drinking (alcohol and soda), he's cleaned up his foul language, he's getting his tattoos removed, he's asking us how to fast properly, like dang he's more prepared for baptism than I was. I would say I'm excited to help him in his conversion but I will probably never see him again now, so hopefully Elder Robison gets his act together and baptizes that dude. He's soooo ready he doesn't even know it. Well actually we told him so I guess now he knows it
BUT I don't really know what else to say this week! What does the future hold???????? we will see. It's refreshing not having to make a grocery list this week but I guess I'll just have to do it wednesday in my new area instead. I hope my msf survives
ok yall I don't have much more time so I will just say find someone to serve this week, whether it's your friend or your enemy or your mother I don't really care
Hopefully there will be some pictures attached to this email, maybe one that we took of the ol district yesterday back when we thought just el. Creamer was getting transferred. ok peace
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