The Fourth of July is so great here! It's the only day of the year in SC where you will see more American flags than Confederate ones. But traffic is terrible and we can't watch fireworks because that's after our bedtime. They do them all up and down the beach all the way to Charleston! But President doesn't understand.
Last Tuesday I had a surprisingly fun experience. It was raining hardcore and we couldn't go out because every time we thought it was over, it would start pouring again. Finally it all cleared up, and we hopped on our bikes and headed out. We biked like 3 miles to someone's house, we had a fun visit with them, and then we headed back. And the rains came tumbling down. We were about 2 miles from home and we were basically under water. It ended up being really fun to bike in the rain, and it's the closest to swimming I'll ever get on my mission.
The rest of this week has been ok. We've taught a lot of less actives and given like 4 blessings. So I guess that's actually cool. But our one investigator has been giving us a real hard time, he's ready to be baptized, but he wants to have like a perfect knowledge. He sent us an email with 49 questions and doctrinal concerns. We addressed all of them and most things weren't even true, I don't know where he's getting this stuff. The missionaries before must have sucked at teaching! Haha jk
But that's all I can really think about talking about right now. I'll send the rest of the pictures of the gardens last week. Oh and I took a picture of my socks because they're the closest thing to red white
and blue that I own. K peace
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